Car mechanic working on car motor

Signs Your Car Needs Repair or Maintenance


Car mechanic in front of car holding two wrenches

Signs Your Car Needs Repair or Maintenance

A car is often essential to get you where you need to go, and it should be properly maintained and repaired to keep you and other drivers safe. It’s helpful to know the signs that your car needs repair or maintenance so you can get it done promptly. Auto Motors of Lehigh Valley offers car repair and maintenance services from our location in Whitehall, Pennsylvania, to get your car back on the road swiftly. Here, we share some signs to watch out for that will let you know your vehicle could need maintenance.

Dashboard Warning Lights

A typical sign that your car may need maintenance or repairs is when you see a warning light illuminated on your dashboard. These include:

  • Check engine lights
  • Tire pressure lights
  • Oil lights
  • Maintenance lights
  • Traction control lights
  • ABS lights

If you notice one of these lights up, it can be a signal you need maintenance on your engine or tires.

However, it’s not always a reason to stress. For example, sometimes, the maintenance light may come on after a certain number of miles to remind you to get your oil changed Additionally, the tire pressure light may come on after a change in the temperature. So, if you notice a dashboard light on your car, don’t panic – but be sure to keep an eye on it. If it persists and you experience other car issues, it’s best to schedule an appointment at a trusted auto body shop like Auto Motors of Lehigh Valley.

Slow Acceleration or Stalling

Another sign your vehicle needs to be repaired or receive maintenance is experiencing slow acceleration or stalling when driving. This is when the engine slows down or stops working. These issues can be caused by problems with fuel, the ignition or electrical systems, airflow leaks, and more. When your car begins stalling or is slow to accelerate, this can indicate a more serious issue with important systems. However, it could also mean your car requires basic maintenance, like cleaning fuel filters or injectors.

Taking your car to be inspected by a professional can keep it running at its best. It can also play a role in keeping drivers safe on the road. For example, cars at risk of stalling may fail to start after stopping for lights, signs, and other obstacles. In turn, this can leave drivers susceptible to dangerous accidents and other circumstances. Dropping your car off at an experienced auto shop for examination and repair is the best way to ensure you’ll get the problem fixed correctly, allowing you to get back to driving smoothly.

Strange Noises

Hearing unexpected or strange noises when driving or starting up your car can be troubling. It can also signal to get your car checked out for maintenance or repairs. While cars making noise is not out of the ordinary, there are a few sounds to look out for. These sounds can indicate a larger maintenance issue that requires prompt service. Some unusual noises to be cautious of include:

  • Clunking/creaking
  • Squealing/grinding from brakes
  • Clicking and ticking
  • Whining or hissing from under the hood

If you continuously hear unusual noises in your car, it’s time to contact a mechanic to get it inspected and fixed. At Auto Motors of Lehigh Valley, our mechanics will correctly diagnose the problem caused by the noise and get your repair completed.


Noticing leaks or puddles under your car once you drive away can indicate that you need to schedule a repair. However, it will depend on what the liquid is and where it’s coming from. The most common liquids found in car leaks are:

  • Coolant
  • Oil
  • Transmission fluid
  • Power steering fluid

If you’ve been running the AC in your car for a while, condensed water can leak off when the car is cooling down. Situations like these are typically normal and nothing to worry about. However, it can be difficult to tell when leaks are a problem. Some leaks can cause issues with important car components, putting your vehicle at risk of damage from overheating or under-lubrication. To stay ahead of car maintenance, contact Auto Motors of Lehigh Valley or your local auto shop.

Brake Issues

When an issue arises with your car brakes, this can bring about a variety of other problems. Because we constantly use brakes and other brake parts, they can naturally wear down over time. Brake problems left unfixed for a prolonged period can lead to dangerous situations, like the inability to stop your car. It can also make it harder to stop your car, as the vehicle can begin making pulsating movements and make it difficult to keep the car straight.

Ignored brake issues can also cause extensive damage to other parts, such as parking brakes and calipers. Additionally, brake fluid leaks can cause brake pedals to soften, leading to further damage. Since brakes are such an important safety feature of your car, it’s essential to get them serviced routinely to stay safe on the road. Auto Motors of Lehigh Valley specializes in brake repairs, as well as engine and transmission repair, so you can trust them with any problem your car has. 

Get Your Car Repaired Today

Now that you know the signals that your car needs repair or maintenance, you’ll know when it’s time to get Auto Motors of Lehigh Valley a call. Our experienced mechanics are fair and transparent and provide quality auto repair and maintenance work in Whitehall, PA. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get your car back on the road safely and quickly. 

By: automotorsoflehighvalley | No Comments


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